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Home » General Liability Insurance in Deerfield Beach, FL & Orlando, FL

General Liability Insurance in Deerfield Beach, FL & Orlando, FL

General Liability Insurance Quote Forms

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General Liability Quote Form

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, protecting your business is important. General liability insurance may provide essential coverage, protecting your company against various financial risks.

At Advanced Professional Services in Deerfield Beach, FL & Orlando, FL, we work diligently to offer personalized insurance solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of business owners.

What Is General Liability Insurance? student, typing, keyboard

General liability insurance, also known as commercial general liability, may shield your business from claims arising due to bodily injury or property damage caused by your business operations. It typically covers the following:

  • Bodily injury—If a customer slips and falls in your store or office and sustains an injury, general liability policies may cover medical expenses and legal costs.
  • Property damage—This may cover accidents that result in damage to someone else’s property (e.g., breaking a valuable vase at a client’s office).
  • Advertising injury—This may cover claims related to defamation, copyright infringement or false advertising.
  • Legal defense costs—This may pay for legal fees, court costs and settlements if your business faces a lawsuit.

How Much General Liability Insurance Do I Need?

The cost of general liability coverage varies depending on factors like the industry you operate in, the size of your business, your location and the specific coverage you select. Pricing is often tailored to individual circumstances. To determine the appropriate coverage, it’s crucial to assess your business’s risks, evaluate your assets, consider industry standards and consult with an experienced insurance agent or broker for personalized guidance.

Where To Get General Liability Insurance?

While not mandatory in Florida, having general liability coverage is strongly recommended. Without it, you would be personally responsible for paying for any claims that arise.

Advanced Professional Services specializes in helping businesses obtain commercial general liability policies. We are dedicated to safeguarding your business, reputation and financial stability with comprehensive coverage. Contact us today for more information or to request a quote.

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