Restaurant, Bar & Taverns Insurance

Restaurant, Bar, & Taverns Insurance Quote Forms

Looking for coverage? Click any of the following links to submit a quote for quick, accurate and affordable rates.

Restaurant, Bar, & Taverns Quote Form

Advanced Professional Services caters to the insurance needs of today’s restaurant owners, offering quality coverage unique to the industry. Designed for full-service fine dining and family restaurants, our value is straight forward…we can better serve you because we specialize in and understand the restaurant industry. We offer:

  • Broad coverages designed for your industry and tailored to your standards.
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Responsive, fair claims services that protect the best interests of policy owners.
  • Access to safety and loss prevention information specifically for restaurant operations.

Restaurant Insurance

As experts in restaurant insurance and risk management issues, we have built upon our experience to develop a portfolio of coverage to address every facet of your restaurant operation. Available coverages include:

  • Property Insurance – Business Income, Equipment Breakdown, Food Contamination Spoilage, Sewer Backup
  • Crime/Employee Dishonesty
  • General Liability
  • Liquor Liability
  • Employee Benefit Liability

We can service your restaurant insurance needs in most areas.